Grynfeltt- Lesshaft lumbar hernias

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Alesio E. López
Luis G. Barrionuevo
Flavia G. López


Lumbar hernias are rare abdominal wall defects with few cases published in the literature. Two welldefined areas of weakness are identified in the lumbar region, the superior lumbar (Grynfeltt-Lesshaft) triangle and the inferior lumbar (Petit) triangle. We report the case of a female patient who sought medical care due to low back pain and a tumor in the right lumbar region. A lumbar hernia was suspected, and a computed tomography scan was performed, which revealed a Grynfeltt hernia with retroperitoneal fat content. The defect was repaired with mesh placement through an open approach.
There were no postoperative complications. Lumbar hernias can be congenital or acquired (primary or secondary). Computed tomography scan is the gold standard for the diagnosis. Mesh repair is the treatment of choice. The open approach and laparoscopy are valid and safe options, and their implementation should be considered based on the characteristics of the defect, the patient, and the experience of the treating team.


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How to Cite
López, A. E., Barrionuevo , L. G., & López, F. G. (2024). Grynfeltt- Lesshaft lumbar hernias. Revista Argentina De Cirugía, 116(3), 233–238. Retrieved from
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