Safety and training of colonoscopies by surgeons. A multicenter study

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Hugo A. Amarillo
Carlos Funes
Gerardo Martín Rodríguez
Luis Díaz
Héctor Baistrocchi
Julio Baistrocchi
Vicente Borquez
Alejandro Sánchez Ruiz
Martín García
Pablo Tacchi
Hernán Ruiz


Introduction: The safety of colonoscopies performed by surgeons and the management of their complications has not been analyzed in depth in the low number of national publications.
Objective: The primary endpoint of this study was to analyze the outcomes of colonoscopies performed by colorectal surgeons, in terms of complications. and their resolution. The secondary endpoint was to compare the results between a university hospital and different centers nationwide staffed with colorectal surgeons who had received formal training during a residency program in the surgical subspecialty.
Material and methods: We conducted a multicenter, prospective and consecutive national study. The colonscopies performed between 2011 and 2016 were included. The variables analyzed included complications, age, sex, type of endoscopy, diagnosis, treatment, location were the procedure was performed and surgeon’s training. The results were expressed as mean, percentage and range. The statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: A total of 24,907 procedures were performed, 17,283 corresponded to diagnostic colonoscopies and 17,202 were made in provincial centers. Forty-four complications were recorded (0.17%), of which 35 were procedure-related complications: 19 perforations, 8 bleeding events, 5 post-polypectomy syndromes and three related with the technique; all were diagnosed and solved by the same team without morbidity and mortality. There were no differences in the incidence of complications and how they were treated according to the center or type of colonoscopy. All the surgeons received colonoscopy training during a residency program in the surgical subspecialty.


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How to Cite
Amarillo, H. A., Funes, C., Rodríguez, G. M., Díaz, L., Baistrocchi, H., Baistrocchi, J., Borquez, V., Sánchez Ruiz, A., García, M., Tacchi, P., & Ruiz, H. (2021). Safety and training of colonoscopies by surgeons. A multicenter study . Revista Argentina De Cirugía, 112(3), 274–292. (Original work published March 19, 2021)
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